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Ninety9 Capital Earns 2024 Ethical Finance Award
Wealth & Finance International
Dallas, Texas (June 5, 2024): Ninety9 Capital, a Dallas-based private equity firm dedicated to helping a broad range of investors create generational wealth through real estate, is pleased to announce the company has received a 2024 Ethical Finance Award from Wealth & Finance International.
The Ethical Finance Awards recognize investment companies focused on a wide range of industries that have responded well to industry challenges by working hard to seamlessly improve the experiences of others – so that finance can be made both easy and, of course, ethical.
“We believe that everyone should have an opportunity to participate in building wealth through real estate,” said Alex Hemani, Founder & CEO of Ninety9 Capital. “Even if you are not an accredited investor, Ninety9 Capital provides access to exclusive real estate opportunities through our private equity funds.”
Ethical practices are non-negotiable in every aspect of Ninety9 Capital’s operations. The company adheres to a strict code of ethics, ensuring that every decision aligns with principles of honesty, integrity and fairness. The company earned the Ethical Finance Award for its commitment to ethical decision-making, building trust with investors and stakeholders, and fostering a culture of reliability and accountability throughout the organization.
Jack Ford, awards coordinator for Wealth & Finance International, said, “Recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of our awardees, and gaining insight into their specific strengths and contribution to their industries has been a great experience. I’m sure we’ll see them continue to flourish as the years go by, ultimately, helping others along the way.”
Wealth & Finance International is a quarterly publication circulated to more than 67,000 finance and investment professionals worldwide and provides an inside track on the need-to-know news and issues affecting banking, finance, regulation, risk and wealth management in each region.
To learn more about the Ethical Finance Awards, please visit:
About Ninety9 Capital
Ninety9 Capital was founded on the belief that everyone should have an opportunity to participate in building generational wealth through real estate. The company acquires and manages single-family rental investment portfolios through a vertically-integrated approach, from transactions to financing to construction to property management, in order to maximize service and returns for its investors. With 18 years of experience in successful real estate ventures and property management across Texas, Ninety9 Capital assembles private equity funds that provide reliable cash flow, ensure long-term appreciation and leverage efficient tax strategies.
About Wealth & Finance International & AI Global Media
Wealth & Finance International is a quarterly publication circulated to more than 67,000 professionals within the finance and investment marketplace.
Since 2010, AI Global Media has been committed to creating engaging B2B content that informs readers and allows them to market their business to a global audience. AI Global creates content for and about firms across a range of industries. Today, the company has 14 unique
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